Longline hook , classical, crooked with a loop.
7,48 €6,73 €
Longline hook, classical, straight.Sizes: 6 - 7 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
27,15 €24,44 €
Longline hook , classical, straight. Sizes: 6 - 7 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
4,39 €3,95 €
Longline hook ,
classic, galvanized, crooked. Available in a package
of 100 pieces Sizes: 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12,...
4,41 €3,96 €
Stainless steel hook with tie Parrot, mainly suitable for sea bream Never rusts Inox colour Forged With inwardly curved ...
15,60 €14,04 €
One of the best hooks
on the market, the VMC 9747, is a classic longline hook with the manufacturing
guarantee of the we...
27,15 €24,44 €
8117S VMCVMC 8117S hooks, parrot
hook with ring, stainless steel. They have a very sharp tip and are reinforced,
ideal f...
15,00 €13,50 €
The 4278 BK hooks
of the company UNO are suitable for vertical or multi-hooks and not
only. They are durable and with ...
2,30 €2,07 €
UNO 4275 hooks are suitable for vertical or multi-hooks and not only. They are durable and with excellent nailing. Cr...
2,20 €1,98 €
keeper pencil hook from Owner with black chrome finish against oxidation.The Owner
5311 SSW hook is actually...
17,30 €15,57 €
SELECT DISTINCT p.id,p.[markaID],p.[retail_store_price],p.[Categories] FROM [products] AS p WHERE (CHARINDEX(',5,', p.categories)>0 OR p.categories='5') OR ( (CHARINDEX(',490,', p.categories)>0 OR p.categories='490') OR (CHARINDEX(',491,', p.categories)>0 OR p.categories='491')) | Timer 0: 1 ms | Timer 1: 54 ms | Timer 2: 7 ms | pagerTotal=67 | filtering=False | Timer 3: 2552 ms | catID=5 | kz.count=2 | title DESC | title | Timer 4: 17 ms | SELECT DISTINCT [id] FROM (SELECT Row_Number() OVER ( ORDER BY p.title DESC) AS RowIndex, p.id FROM [products] AS p WHERE p.id IN(4216,4238,4257,4260,4261,4268,4271,5325,5334,5337,6319,6770,8173,8174,12025,12304,12306,12307,12308,12309,12310,12311,12312,12314,12315,12316,12317,12318,12319,12320,12321,12322,12323,12324,12327,12328,12329,12330,12331,12332,12687,12688,12689,12690,12691,12692,12693,12694,12695,12696,12697,12698,12699,12702,12703,13858,13859,13860,14899,14900,14901,14902,15124,15125,16127,16185,16774)) AS Sub WHERE Sub.RowIndex >= 1 AND Sub.RowIndex <= 12;